本經選譯自巴利聖典《增支部》第三經《茉莉皇后經》—《 Mallikādevīsuttaṃ 》,本經與北傳《四分律》的記載完全相同。











    有關於這一點,我們可以從茉莉夫人在本經中參訪佛陀時自己講過的一段話得到證明,茉莉夫人對佛陀說:「世尊,只因我前世生性暴躁易怒,每次只要旁人稍微說我一些壞話,我就心生怨恨、憤怒、狂怒、怏怏不樂,並且將心中的憤怒表現在外,因此緣故使我今生長得面貌醜陋,身材粗劣,望之可怖,不受人喜愛;世尊,只因我前世樂於以食物、飲料、房舍、車子、花環、香料、油膏、被褥、以及燈盞等民生用具供養、佈施予沙門、婆羅門一類的修行人 以及貧窮、困苦、孤獨、無助的人;我也不生性善妒,看見別人獲得財富、榮譽、尊敬、禮遇、崇拜等好名聲,不會覺得嫉妒,更不因妒生怒,因此緣故使我今生富裕多金,貴為王妃,受人尊敬。」







選譯自巴利聖典《增支部》第三經《茉莉皇后經》—《 Mallikādevīsuttaṃ 


























Translated from the Anguttara-Nikâya (iv.1971).

On a certain occasion The Blessed One was dwelling at Sâvatthi, in Jetavana monastery in Anâthapindika's Park. Then drew near Mallikâ the queen to where the Blessed One was; and having drawn near and greeted The Blessed One, she sat down respectfully at one side. And seated respectfully at one side, Mallikâ the queen spoke to The Blessed One as follows:

"Reverend Sir, what is the reason, and what is the cause, when a woman is ugly, of a bad figure, and horrible to look at, and indigent, poor, needy, and low in the social scale?

"Reverend Sir, what is the reason, and what is the cause, when a woman is ugly, of a bad figure, and horrible to look at, and rich, wealthy, affluent, and high in the social scale?

"Reverend Sir, what is the reason, and what is the cause,

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when a woman is beautiful, attractive, pleasing, and possessed of surpassing loveliness, and indigent, poor, needy, and low in the social scale?

"Reverend Sir, what is the reason, and what is the cause, when a woman is beautiful, attractive, pleasing, and possessed of surpassing loveliness, and rich, wealthy, affluent, and high in the social scale?"

"Mallikâ, when a woman has been irascible and violent, and at every little thing said against her has felt spiteful, angry, enraged, and sulky, and manifested anger, hatred, and heart-burning; when she has given no alms to monk or Brahman, of food, drink, building-sites, carriages, garlands, scents, ointments, bedding, dwelling-houses, and lamps, but has been of an envious disposition, and felt envy at the gains, honor, reverence, respect, homage, and worship that came to others, and been furious and envious thereat; then, when she leaves that existence and comes to this one, wherever she may be born, she is ugly, of a bad figure, and horrible to look at, and indigent, poor, needy, and low in the social scale.

"And, again, Mallikâ, when a woman has been irascible and violent, and at every little thing said against her has felt spiteful, angry, enraged, and sulky, and manifested anger, hatred, and heart-burning; but has given alms to monks and Brahmans, of food, drink, building-sites, carriages, garlands, scents, ointments, bedding, dwelling-houses, and lamps, and has not been of an envious disposition, nor felt envy at the gains, honor, reverence, respect, homage, and worship that came to others, nor been furious and envious thereat; then, when she leaves that existence and comes to this one, wherever she may be born, she is ugly, of a bad figure, and horrible to look at, and rich, wealthy, affluent, and high in the social scale.

"And, again, Mallikâ, when a woman has not been irascible or violent, and though much had been said against her, has not felt spiteful, angry, enraged, or sulky, nor manifested anger, hatred, and heart-burning; when she has given no alms to monk or Brahman, of food, drink, building-sites, carriages, garlands, scents, ointments, bedding, dwelling-houses,

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and lamps, but has been of an envious disposition, and felt envy at the gains, honor, reverence, respect, homage, and worship that came to others, and been furious and envious thereat; then, when she leaves that existence and comes to this one wherever she may be born, she is beautiful, attractive, pleasing, and possessed of surpassing loveliness, and indigent, poor, needy, and low in the social scale.

"And, again, Mallikâ., when a woman has not been irascible or violent, and though much had been said against her, has not felt spiteful, angry, enraged, or sulky, nor manifested anger, hatred, and heart-burning; when she has given alms to monks and Brahmans, of food, drink, building-sites, carriages, garlands, scents, ointments, bedding, dwelling-houses, and lamps, and has not been of an envious disposition, nor felt envy at the gains, honor, reverence, respect, homage, and worship that came to others, nor been furious and envious thereat; then, when she leaves that existence and comes to this one, wherever she may be born, she is beautiful, attractive, pleasing, and possessed of surpassing loveliness, and rich, wealthy, affluent, and high in the social scale.

"This, Mallikâ, is the reason, this is the cause, when a woman is ugly, of a bad figure, and horrible to look at, and indigent, poor, needy, and low in the social scale.

"This, Mallikâ, is the reason, this is the cause, when a woman is ugly, of a bad figure, and horrible to look at, and rich, wealthy, affluent, and high in the social scale.

"This, Mallikâ, is the reason, this is the cause, when a woman is beautiful, attractive, pleasing, and possessed of surpassing loveliness, and indigent, poor, needy, and low in the social scale.

"This, Mallikâ, is the reason, this is the cause, when a woman is beautiful, attractive, pleasing, and possessed of surpassing loveliness, and rich, wealthy, affluent, and high in the social scale."

When he had thus spoken, Mallikâ the queen replied to The Blessed One as follows:

"Since, now, Reverend Sir, in a former existence I was irascible and violent, and at every little thing said against

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me felt spiteful, angry, enraged, and sulky, and manifested anger, hatred, and heart-burning, therefore am I now ugly, of a bad figure, and horrible to look at. Since, now, Reverend Sir, in a former existence I gave alms to monks and Brahmans, of food, drink, building-sites, carriages, garlands, scents, ointments, bedding, dwelling-houses, and lamps, therefore am I now rich, wealthy, and affluent. Since, now, Reverend Sir, in a former existence I was not of an envious disposition, nor felt envy at the gains, honor, reverence, respect, homage, and worship that came to others, nor was furious and envious thereat, therefore am I now high in the social scale.

"Now, in this royal family, Reverend Sir, there are maidens of the warrior caste, maidens of the Brahman caste, and maidens of the householder caste, and I bear rule over them. From this day forth I will not be irascible nor violent, and, though much be said against me, I will not feel spiteful, angry, enraged, or sulky, nor manifest anger, hatred, and heart-burning; I will give alms to monks and Brahmans, of food, drink, building-sites, carriages, garlands, scents, ointments, bedding, dwelling-houses, and lamps; and I will not be of an envious disposition, nor feel envy at the gains, honor, reverence, respect, homage, and worship that shall come to others, nor be furious and envious thereat.

"O wonderful is it, Reverend Sir! O wonderful is it, Reverend Sir! It is as if, Reverend Sir, one were to set up that which was overturned; or were to disclose that which was hidden; or were to point out the way to a lost traveller; or were to carry a lamp into a dark place that they who had eyes might see forms. Even so has The Blessed One expounded the Doctrine in many different ways. I betake myself to The Blessed One for refuge, to the Doctrine, and to the Congregation of the priests. Let The Blessed One receive me, who have come to him for refuge, and accept me as a disciple from this day forth as long as life shall last."


AN.4.197/ 7. Mallikādevīsuttaṃ 
   197. Ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṃ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Atha kho mallikā devī yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi. Ekamantaṃ nisinnā kho mallikā devī bhagavantaṃ etadavoca– 
   “Ko nu kho, bhante, hetu ko paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo dubbaṇṇā ca hoti durūpā supāpikā dassanāya; daliddā ca hoti appassakā appabhogā appesakkhā ca? 
   “Ko pana, bhante, hetu ko paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo dubbaṇṇā ca hoti durūpā supāpikā dassanāya; aḍḍhā ca hoti mahaddhanā mahābhogā mahesakkhā ca? 
   “Ko nu kho, bhante, hetu ko paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo abhirūpā ca hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā; daliddā ca hoti appassakā appabhogā appesakkhā ca?
   “Ko pana, bhante, hetu ko paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo abhirūpā ca hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā, aḍḍhā ca hoti mahaddhanā mahābhogā mahesakkhā cā”ti? 
   “Idha mallike, ekacco mātugāmo kodhanā hoti upāyāsabahulā. Appampi vuttā samānā abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati, kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. Sā na dātā hoti samaṇassa vā brāhmaṇassa vā annaṃ pānaṃ vatthaṃ yānaṃ mālāgandhavilepanaṃ seyyāvasathapadīpeyyaṃ. Issāmanikā kho pana hoti; paralābhasakkāragarukāramānanavandanapūjanāsu issati upadussati issaṃ bandhati. Sā ce tato cutā itthattaṃ āgacchati, sā yattha yattha paccājāyati dubbaṇṇā ca hoti durūpā supāpikā dassanāya; daliddā ca hoti appassakā appabhogā appesakkhā ca. 
   “Idha pana, mallike, ekacco mātugāmo kodhanā hoti upāyāsabahulā. Appampi vuttā samānā abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati, kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. Sā dātā hoti samaṇassa vā brāhmaṇassa vā annaṃ pānaṃ vatthaṃ yānaṃ mālāgandhavilepanaṃ seyyāvasathapadīpeyyaṃ. Anissāmanikā kho pana hoti; paralābhasakkāragarukāramānanavandanapūjanāsu na issati na upadussati na issaṃ bandhati. Sā ce tato cutā itthattaṃ āgacchati, sā yattha yattha paccājāyati dubbaṇṇā ca hoti durūpā supāpikā dassanāya; aḍḍhā ca hoti mahaddhanā mahābhogā mahesakkhā ca. 
   “Idha pana, mallike, ekacco mātugāmo akkodhanā hoti anupāyāsabahulā. Bahumpi vuttā samānā nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati, na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. Sā na dātā hoti samaṇassa vā brāhmaṇassa vā annaṃ pānaṃ vatthaṃ yānaṃ mālāgandhavilepanaṃ seyyāvasathapadīpeyyaṃ. Issāmanikā kho pana hoti; paralābhasakkāragarukāramānanavandanapūjanāsu issati upadussati issaṃ bandhati. Sā ce tato cutā itthattaṃ āgacchati, sā yattha yattha paccājāyati abhirūpā ca hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā; daliddā ca hoti appassakā appabhogā appesakkhā ca. 
   “Idha pana, mallike, ekacco mātugāmo akkodhanā hoti anupāyāsabahulā. Bahumpi vuttā samānā nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati, na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. Sā dātā hoti samaṇassa vā brāhmaṇassa vā annaṃ pānaṃ vatthaṃ yānaṃ mālāgandhavilepanaṃ seyyāvasathapadīpeyyaṃ. Anissāmanikā kho pana hoti; paralābhasakkāragarukāramānanavandanapūjanāsu na issati na upadussati na issaṃ bandhati. Sā ce tato cutā itthattaṃ āgacchati, sā yattha yattha paccājāyati abhirūpā ca hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā; aḍḍhā ca hoti mahaddhanā mahābhogā mahesakkhā ca. 
   “Ayaṃ kho, mallike, hetu ayaṃ paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo dubbaṇṇā ca hoti durūpā supāpikā dassanāya; daliddā ca hoti appassakā appabhogā appesakkhā ca. Ayaṃ pana, mallike, hetu ayaṃ paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo dubbaṇṇā ca hoti durūpā supāpikā dassanāya; aḍḍhā ca hoti mahaddhanā mahābhogā mahesakkhā ca. Ayaṃ kho, mallike, hetu ayaṃ paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo abhirūpā ca hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā; daliddā ca hoti appassakā appabhogā appesakkhā ca. Ayaṃ pana, mallike, hetu ayaṃ paccayo, yena midhekacco mātugāmo abhirūpā ca hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā; aḍḍhā ca hoti mahaddhanā mahābhogā mahesakkhā cā”ti. 
   Evaṃ vutte mallikā devī bhagavantaṃ etadavoca– “yā nūnāhaṃ bhante, aññaṃ jātiṃ kodhanā ahosiṃ upāyāsabahulā, appampi vuttā samānā abhisajjiṃ kuppiṃ byāpajjiṃ patitthīyiṃ kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātvākāsiṃ, sāhaṃ, bhante, etarahi dubbaṇṇā durūpā supāpikā dassanāya. 
   “Yā nūnāhaṃ, bhante, aññaṃ jātiṃ dātā ahosiṃ samaṇassa vā brāhmaṇassa vā annaṃ pānaṃ vatthaṃ yānaṃ mālāgandhavilepanaṃ seyyāvasathapadīpeyyaṃ, sāhaṃ, bhante, etarahi aḍḍhā mahaddhanā mahābhogā. 
   “Yā nūnāhaṃ, bhante, aññaṃ jātiṃ anissāmanikā ahosiṃ, paralābhasakkāragarukāramānanavandanapūjanāsu na issiṃ na upadussiṃ na issaṃ bandhiṃ, sāhaṃ, bhante, etarahi mahesakkhā. Santi kho pana, bhante, imasmiṃ rājakule khattiyakaññāpi brāhmaṇakaññāpi gahapatikaññāpi, tāsāhaṃ issarādhipaccaṃ kāremi. Esāhaṃ, bhante, ajjatagge akkodhanā bhavissāmi anupāyāsabahulā, bahumpi vuttā samānā nābhisajjissāmi na kuppissāmi na byāpajjissāmi na patitthīyissāmi, kopañca dosañca appaccayañca na pātukarissāmi; dassāmi samaṇassa vā brāhmaṇassa vā annaṃ pānaṃ vatthaṃ yānaṃ mālāgandhavilepanaṃ seyyāvasathapadīpeyyaṃ. Anissāmanikā bhavissāmi, paralābhasakkāragarukāramānanavandanapūjanāsu na ississāmi na upadussissāmi na issaṃ bandhissāmi. Abhikkantaṃ, bhante …pe… upāsikaṃ maṃ, bhante, bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge pāṇupetaṃ saraṇaṃ gatan”ti. Sattamaṃ.