佛陀在《增支部Anguttara Nikaya》的《聞隨行經Sotanugata Sutta》中對比丘們如是開示:


(一)  當他投生到天界後,他在前生所學過的法會自然浮現在他的心中,如此他將能快速地證悟涅槃。例如沙門天子(Samana-devaputta)是一位精進修行的比丘。當他在修禪定時被毒蛇咬死,但他不知道自己已經死了,當他出定睜開雙眼後,才發現自己已投生在天界的宮殿裡,於是他仍繼續修行。


(二)  如果不能自己憶起前生聽過的法,他有可能會遇到有神通的比丘來到天界弘法,那時如果他聽法後將能快速證悟涅槃。

(三)  如果沒有機會聽聞有神通的比丘來天界說法,他還是有可能可以聽其他會說法的天神(Dhamma-kathika-deva)說法,這些天神如:常童形梵天(Sanavkumara Brahma)等。那時,他將能快速證悟涅槃。

(四)  如果連聽天神講說佛法的機會都沒有,他還是有可能會遇到跟他前世一起修行的朋友。這些朋友會提醒他:「哦,朋友,請回想我們前世在人間修行的佛法。」那時,他就有可能會憶起佛法。那時,他將能迅速地證悟涅槃。

Sadhu~ Sadhu~ Sadhu~善哉∼善哉∼善哉∼




    願以此譯介經文的微薄功德,迴向給母親、先父、諸法友、一切龍天護法善神(尤其是毘沙門天王Kuvera Vessavaa),願大家平安、健康、喜樂、富裕,速證解脫。

Sadhu~ Sadhu~ Sadhu~善哉∼善哉∼善哉∼

選譯自巴利《增支部Anguttara Nikaya》的《聞隨行經Sotanugata Sutta

Sidney Tin Htut英譯











    比丘們,就如同一個打擊鼓樂的專家,在他的長途旅程中聽到了鼓聲,他  可能無法清楚的辨識出那個到底是不是從一個鼓的樂器所發出的聲音,但他可以肯定的是那是鼓聲。




























Bhikkhus, definite benefits accruing from what has been acquired by

hearing, what has been constantly practised by reciting, what has been borne in mind

and what has been penetratingly known by intellect are these four kinds.

What are the four ?

Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu in this Teaching has learnt the Teaching, namely Sutta,

Geyya, Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka, Abbhutadhamma and Vedella.

That bhikkhu has taken these in by hearing, constantly practised these by reciting,

borne in mind and penetratingly known by intellect. If that bhikkhu dies (by any

chance in forgetfulness), he will be reborn in a certain deva realm. There, in that

person who is endowed with wellbeing in that deva realm, those dhammas are clearly

manifest. Bhikkhus, arising of recollections may be slow in him, but he can realise the

truth quickly. Bhikkhus, this is the first of the (definite) benefits accruing from what

has been acquired by hearing, what has been constantly practised by reciting, what

has been borne in mind, and what has been penetratingly known by intellect.

Another kind, bhikkhus, is that a bhikkhu in this Teaching has learnt the

Teaching namely, Sutta, Geyya, Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka,

Abbhutadhamma and Vedella. That bhikkhu has taken in by hearing, constantly

practised by reciting, borne in mind and penetratingly known by intellect. If (by any

chance) that bhikkhu dies in forgetfulness, he will be reborn in a certain deva realm.

There, in that person who is endowed with wellbeing in that deva realm, those

dhammas are not clearly manifest. Then a bhikkhu of high attainments in psychic

power who has a well-practised mind expounds to the deva audience the Teachings

(of the Buddha), and it occurs to that (forgetting) person thus; ‘The noble practice of

the Teaching which I have practised before is the same as this dhamma (which this

bhikkhu is expounding).’ Bhikkhus, arising of recollection may be slow in him, but he

can realise the truth quickly.

Bhikkhus, if a drum expert hears a sound of a drum on his long journey, he

has no uncertainity in discerning whether it is the sound of a drum or not, but he can

decide with certainty that it is the sound of a drum. In the same instance, bhikkhus, a

bhikkhu has learnt Sutta, Geyya, Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka,

Abbhutadhamma and Vedella. That bhikkhu has taken in by hearing, constantly

practised by reciting, borne in mind and penetratingly known by intellect. If (by any

chance) that bhikkhu dies in forgetfulness, he will be reborn in a certain deva realm.

There, in that person who is endowed with wellbeing in that deva realm, those

dhammas are clearly manifest. Then a bhikkhu of high attainments in psychic power

who has a well-practised mind expounds to the deva audience the Teachings (of the

Buddha), and it occurs to that (forgetting) person thus; ‘The noble practice of the

Teaching which I have practised before is the same as this dhamma (which this

bhikkhu is expounding).’ Bhikkhus, arising of recollection may be slow in him, but he

can realise the truth quickly. Bhikkhus, this is the second of the (definite) benefits

accruing from what has been acquired by hearing, what has been constantly practised

by reciting, what has been borne in mind, and what has been penetratingly known by


Another kind, bhikkhus, is that a bhikkhu in this Teaching has learnt the

Teaching namely, Sutta, Geyya, Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka,

Abbhutadhamma and Vedella. That bhikkhu has taken in by hearing, constantly

practised by reciting, borne in mind and penetratingly known by intellect. If (by any

chance) that bhikkhu dies in forgetfulness, he will be reborn in a certain deva realm.

There, in that person who is endowed with wellbeing in that deva realm, those

dhammas are not clearly manifest, and a bhikkhu of high attainments in psychic

power who has a well-practised mind does not expound to the deva audience the

Teachings (of the Buddha), but a deva expounds the Teachings to the deva audience,

and it occurs to that (forgetting) person thus; ‘The noble practice of the Teaching

which I have practised before is the same as this dhamma (which this bhikkhu is

expounding).’ Bhikkhus, arising of recollection may be slow in him, but he can realise

the truth quickly. Bhikkhus, if a conch-trumpet expert hears a sound of conch-trumpet

on his long journey, he has no uncertainity in discerning whether it is the sound of a

conch-trumpet or not, but he can decide with certainty that it is the sound of a conchtrumpet.

In the same instance, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu has learnt Sutta, Geyya,

Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka, Abbhutadhamma and Vedella. That

bhikkhu has taken in by hearing, constantly practised by reciting, borne in mind and

penetratingly known by intellect. If (by any chance) that bhikkhu dies in

forgetfulness, he will be reborn in a certain deva realm. There, in that person who is

endowed with wellbeing in that deva realm, those dhammas are not clearly manifest;

and a bhikkhu of high attainments in psychic power who has a well-practised mind

does not expounds to the deva audience the Teachings, but a deva expounds the

Teachings to the deva audience; it occurs to that (forgetting) person thus; ‘The noble

practice of the Teaching which I have practised before is the same as this dhamma

(which this bhikkhu is expounding).’ Bhikkhus, arising of recollection may be slow in

him, but he can realise the truth quickly. Bhikkhus, this is the third of the (definite)

benefits accruing from what has been acquired by hearing, what has been constantly

practised by reciting, what has been borne in mind, and what has been penetratingly

known by intellect.

Another kind, bhikkhus, is that a bhikkhu in this Teaching has learnt the

Teaching namely, Sutta, Geyya, Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka,

Abbhutadhamma and Vedella. That bhikkhu has taken in by hearing, constantly

practised by reciting, borne in mind and penetratingly known by intellect. If (by any

chance) that bhikkhu dies in forgetfulness, he will be reborn in a certain deva realm.

There, in that person who is endowed with wellbeing in that deva realm, those

dhammas are not clearly manifest; and a bhikkhu of high attainments in psychic

power who has a well-practised mind, does not expound to the deva audience the

Teachings (of the Buddha), and a deva does not expound the Teachings to the deva

audience either; a deva who has been before him will remind him thus: “Friend deva,

remember the noble practice of the Teaching what we have practised before. Oh,

friend deva, you try to remember that! Oh, friend deva, you try to remember that.”

Then, that (forgetting) deva replies, “Friend deva, I remember! Friend deva, I

remember!” Bhikkhus, arising of recollection may be slow in him, but he can

realise the truth quickly.

Bhikkhus, two friend who have been playmates of childhood days in the dust

at a certain time and in a certain place meet again, one asks the other, “Friend, do you

remember this event in our childhood days?” and that friend says, “Friend, I do

remember! Friend, I do remember!” In the same way, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu has learnt

Sutta, Geyya, Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka, Abbhutadhamma and

Vedella. That bhikkhu has taken in by hearing, constantly practised by reciting, borne

in mind and penetratingly known by intellect. If (by any chance) that bhikkhu dies in

forgetfulness, he will be reborn in a certain deva realm. There, in that person who is

endowed with wellbeing in that deva realm, those dhammas are not clearly manifest;

and neither a bhikkhu of high attainments in psychic power who has a well-practised

mind nor a deva does not expound to the deva audience, but the deva who has been

before him will remind him thus: “Friend deva, remember the noble practice of the

Teaching what we have practised before. Oh, friend deva, you try to remember that.”

Then, that (forgetting) deva replies, “Friend deva, I remember! Friend deva, I


Bhikkhus, arising of recollection may be slow in him, but he can realise the

truth quickly. Bhikkhus, two friends who have been playmates of childhood days in

the dust at a certain time and in a certain place meet again, one asks the other,

“Friend, do you remember this event in our childhood days?” “Friend, I do remember!

Friend, I do remember!”

Bhikkhus, arising of recollection may be slow in him, but he can realise the

truth quickly. Bhikkhus, this is the fourth of the (definite) benefits accruing from

what has been acquired by hearing, what has been constantly practised by reciting,

what has been borne in mind, and what has been penetratingly known by intellect are

these four kinds.