



    我們可以從本篇經文獲得很多對於與禪定有關的寶貴啟示,例如: 與肉慾(性慾)的誘惑無關,淫慾是障礙禪定與解脫的巨大絆腳石,由此足證佛教裡絕對沒有雙修這種邪定!!








1、 此禪定當下能獲得極樂,未來(來世)亦獲得極樂。

2、 此禪定為正()定,與肉慾(性慾)的誘惑無關。【譯按:由此足證佛教裡絕對沒有雙修這種邪定!!

3、 此禪定非由卑鄙之人【譯按:不持戒者】所能體悟證得。

4、 此禪定的境界:寧靜、微妙、輕安、一境(統一)、絕非可藉由強制力來勉強維持禪境【譯按:也就 是說禪定只有在工夫純熟的時後自然會來,該來的時候自然會來,如水到渠成一般自然,不能強求!】

5、 我很清楚知道我入定、我很清楚知道我出定。


AN 5.27

PTS: A iii 24

Samadhi Sutta: (Immeasurable) Concentration

translated from the Pali by

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

© 1997

"Wise & mindful, you should develop immeasurable concentration [i.e., concentration based on immeasurable good will, compassion, appreciation, or equanimity]. When, wise & mindful, one has developed immeasurable concentration, five realizations arise right within oneself. Which five?

"The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is blissful in the present and will result in bliss in the future.'

"The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is noble & not connected with the baits of the flesh.'

"The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is not obtained by base people.'

"The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is peaceful, exquisite, the acquiring of serenity, the attainment of unity, not kept in place by the fabrications of forceful restraint.'

"The realization arises right within oneself that 'I enter into this concentration mindfully, and mindfully I emerge from it.'

"Wise & mindful, you should develop immeasurable concentration. When, wise & mindful, one has developed immeasurable concentration, these five realizations arise right within oneself."