

五蓋(巴利文:pañca nīvaraāni),佛教術語,所謂的「蓋」即指遮蔽、障礙,而五蓋則意指五種能夠障礙善心的煩惱,能讓禪定與智慧無法生起的阻礙。佛陀在本經中特別地說明五蓋也是障礙記憶力的因緣之一,也就是說一個人的記憶力不好,通常與其五蓋的熾盛有很大的關係。


1.  貪欲蓋:指迷戀於男女色欲、情愛、情慾、性慾,或貪著於食物的美味及其他五欲的美妙境界,因而注意力無法集中,遮蓋障礙了禪定、智慧、與記憶力。

2.  瞋恚蓋:對於不順己意的人、事、物,心生忿怒,因而注意力無法集中,遮蓋障礙了禪定、智慧、與記憶力。

3.  睡眠蓋:即指嗜睡、昏沈、疲倦、身體疲累、懶散、發呆作白日夢等,因而注意力無法集中,遮蓋障礙了禪定、智慧、與記憶力。

4.  掉舉蓋:所謂的「掉」,意謂心情沮喪;所謂的「舉」則指亢奮、躁鬱、過動等。簡言之,即對於所作的錯事(如犯戒)心生內疚、罪惡感、不安、焦慮、煩憂,或心猿意馬,或心念飄忽不定,因為這些負面的情緒及散亂的思緒而注意力無法集中,遮蓋障礙了禪定、智慧、與記憶力。

5.  疑蓋:對於所聽聞的佛法、禪修的業處、受持的戒律等,心生懷疑,因而注意力無法集中,遮蓋障礙了禪定、智慧、與記憶力。




Sangarava Sutta(Anguttara Nikaya) 5.193

















Eka samaya bhagavā sāvatthiya viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Atha kho sagāravo brāhmao yena bhagavā tenupasakami. Upasakamitvā bhagavatā saddhi sammodi. Sammodanīya katha sārāīya vītisāretvā ekamanta nisīdi. Ekamanta nisinno kho sagāravo brāhmao bhagavanta etadavoca:

I have heard that:

On one occasion the Blessed One was staying at Savatthi, in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery.{n} Then Sagārava the brahman approached the Blessed One and, on arrival, exchanged courteous greetings with him. After an exchange of friendly greetings & courtesies, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One:

– Ko nu kho, bho gotama, hetu, ko paccayo yenekadā dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā? Ko pana, bho gotama, hetu, ko paccayo yenekadā dīgharatta asajjhāyakatāpi mantā paibhanti, pageva sajjhāyakatā ti?

– Why is it, good Gotama, how does it come about that sometimes sacred words I have long studied are not clear to me, not to mention those I have not studied? And how is it too that sometimes other sacred words that I have not so studied are clear to me, not to mention those I have studied?

– Yasmi kho, brāhmaa, samaye kāmarāgapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati kāmarāgaparetena, uppannassa ca kāmarāgassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

– Well, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by sense-desires, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from sense-desires that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Seyyathāpi, brāhmaa, udapatto sasaṭṭho lākhāya vā haliddiyā vā nīliyā vā mañjiṭṭhāya vā. Tattha cakkhumā puriso saka mukhanimitta paccavekkhamāno yathā·bhūta na jāneyya na passeyya. Evameva kho, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye kāmarāgapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati kāmarāgaparetena, uppannassa ca kāmarāgassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Imagine, Brahman, a bowl of water mixed with lac, turmeric, dark green or crimson dye. If a man with good eyesight were to look at the reflection of his own face in it, he would not know or see it as it really was. In the same way, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by sense-desires, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from sense-desires that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, to the profit of others, to the profit of both. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Puna capara, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye byāpādapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati byāpādaparetena, uppannassa ca byāpādassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Again, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by ill-will, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from ill-will that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Seyyathāpi, brāhmaa, udapatto agginā santatto pakkuthito usmudakajāto. Tattha cakkhumā puriso saka mukhanimitta paccavekkhamāno yathā·bhūta na jāneyya na passeyya. Evameva kho, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye byāpādapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati byāpādaparetena, uppannassa ca byāpādassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Imagine a bowl of water, heated on a fire, boiling up and bubbling over. If a man with good eyesight were to look at the reflection of his own face in it, he would not know or see it as it really was. In the same way, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by ill-will, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from ill-will that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Puna capara, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye thinamiddhapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati thinamiddhaparetena, uppannassa ca thinamiddhassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Again, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by sloth-and-torpor, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from sloth-and-torpor that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Seyyathāpi, brāhmaa, udapatto sevālapaakapariyonaddho. Tattha cakkhumā puriso saka mukhanimitta paccavekkhamāno yathā·bhūta na jāneyya na passeyya. Evameva kho, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye thinamiddhapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati thinamiddhaparetena, uppannassa ca thinamiddhassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Imagine a bowl of water covered over with slimy moss and water-plants. If a man with good eyesight were to look at the reflection of his own face in it, he would not know or see it as it really was. In the same way, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by sloth-and-torpor, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from sloth-and-torpor that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Puna capara, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Again, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by worry-and-flurry, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from worry-and-flurry that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Seyyathāpi, brāhmaa, udapatto vāterito calito bhanto ūmijāto. Tattha cakkhumā puriso saka mukhanimitta paccavekkhamāno yathā·bhūta na jāneyya na passeyya. Evameva kho, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Imagine a bowl of water ruffled by the wind, so that the water trembled, eddied and rippled. If a man with good eyesight were to look at the reflection of his own face in it, he would not know or see it as it really was. In the same way, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by worry-and-flurry, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from worry-and-flurry that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Puna capara, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye vicikicchāpariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati vicikicchāparetena, uppannāya ca vicikicchāya nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Again, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by doubt-and-wavering, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from doubt-and-wavering that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, nor can he know and see what is to the profit of others, or of both himself and others. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has not studied.

Seyyathāpi, brāhmaa, udapatto āvilo luito kalalībhūto andhakāre nikkhitto. Tattha cakkhumā puriso saka mukhanimitta paccavekkhamāno yathā·bhūta na jāneyya na passeyya. Evameva kho, brāhmaa, yasmi samaye vicikicchāpariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati vicikicchāparetena, uppannāya ca vicikicchāya nissaraa yathā·bhūta nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, paratthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati, ubhayatthampi tasmi samaye yathā·bhūta na jānāti na passati; dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā. Aya kho, brāhmaa, hetu aya paccayo yenekadā dīgharatta sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.

Imagine a bowl of water, agitated, stirred up muddied, put in a dark place. If a man with good eyesight were to look at the reflection of his own face in it, he would not know or see it as it really was. In the same way, Brahman, when a man dwells with his heart possessed and overwhelmed by doubt-and-wavering, and does not know, as it really is, the way of escape from doubt-and-wavering that have arisen, then he cannot know or see, as it really is, what is to his own profit, to the profit of others, to the profit of both. Then even sacred words he has long studied are not clear to him, not to mention those he has studied.