神通的有限性 |
佛教承認神通的不可思議,但是卻認為有它的侷限性。因為神通不能改變業力,也不能改變宇宙運行的規律。本篇經文就是要告訴我們這項真理,目犍連尊者在僧團裡享有神通第一的美譽,有一次古印度遭逢飢荒,屍鴻遍野。他以天眼看見地底深處藏有許多美食,他稟持著慈悲心想以神通翻轉大地取食幫助當地飢民,但遭世尊禁止,世尊表示如果目犍連這麼做將會造成別國地震及人民死傷。世尊似乎告訴我們宇宙的運行有其一定規律,若破壞其平衡,將遭反噬。 選譯自南傳巴利英譯《律藏•經分別》3:7 優婆塞喬正一譯於西元2005/10/29 |
有一次,在佛陀及其僧團的住處發生了飢荒,許多比丘因飢荒而無法獲得足夠的供養。當時目犍連尊者問世尊是否允許他翻轉大地,以獲取隱藏在地底深處許多有有營養的食物幫助大眾解決飢難。 但是他的這項提議卻遭到世尊的禁止,因為世尊表示如果目犍連尊者這麼做,將會造成大量眾生的死傷。 接著,目犍連尊者又施展神通開闢出一條直通北俱蘆洲的道路,好讓僧眾得以從彼處取食。同樣地,世尊又再度禁止尊者這麼做。 儘管沒有神通的幫助,所有的僧眾卻也無人因此死傷,全都安然度過這次飢荒。而這也是佛陀唯一不同意目犍連尊者的提議。 Once
there was a famine in the area where the Buddha and his community of monks
were residing, and the monks could not obtain sufficient almsfood. On that
occasion Moggallana asked the Buddha whether he might overturn the ground
so that the nourishing substance underneath would be accessible and could
be eaten. But the Buddha prohibited him, as this would cause the
destruction of a large number of living beings. Then Moggallana offered to
use his psychic power to open a road to the Uttarakuru
country so that the monks could go there for alms. This, too, the Buddha
prohibited. But all survived the famine unharmed, even without such
supernormal devices (Vin.
This was the only occasion when the Buddha disapproved of
Moggalla1na"s suggestions. |